
26 April 2005


The gospel of Matthew (Ch 25) reminds us that we will be judged not so much by how many prayers we might have said (not that prayer is unimportant) but on our response to the needy in our midst.

We live in a world where people in developed countries such as ours enjoy the highest material standard of living of any people in all of human history, when we have the means to end extreme poverty, hunger and disease and where world leaders have actually agreed on a plan to systematically address these issues through the Millenium Development Goals

And yet that commitment seems to be faltering and many experts are warning that the MDG targets will not be reached.

This year 2005 looms as a vital one in the fight against global poverty. Visit Global Call to Action Against Poverty and the website of the Christian Brothers Leadership Team for information about the world-wide campaign to end poverty through the addressing the issues of Trade, Debt, Aid and Transparency and Accountability in Government.

Imagine if all members of the Edmund Rice Network and Edmund Rice Schools around the globe wore the white armband on July 1, Sep 10 and Dec 10?

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