
6 April 2006


The industrial relations body of the Catholic Church in Australia has recently added its voice to those expressing concerns about the impact of the Federal Governments IR changes on low income earners.

Commenting on the WorkChoices legislation which became effective at the end of last month, the Australian Catholic Commission for Employment Relations executive officer, John Ryan said that he is concerned the newly created Australian Fair Pay Commission, will exacerbate the burdens placed on low paid working families.

He went on to claim that the current taxation debate has focused on those earning high incomes whilst neglecting the needs of those at the bottom end of the income scale. According to Mr Ryan this represents a continuation of a long-term trend and observed that "Even since the introduction of the GST in July 2000, the proportion of tax of these low income earners has gone up, while the percentage paid by those on five times that income has decreased".

Mr Ryan called for a broad and informed community debate on wage, employment, welfare and taxation policies and for the Commonwealth Government to take decisions that promote both economic growth and social justice.

The full text of the statements on wages and taxation can be found at the Australian Catholic Commission for Employment Relations website.

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