
13 May 2009


Sole parents and unemployed people have once again been excluded from the income increase they so desperately needed to stay afloat in this year’s federal budget according to the CEO of the National Council of the St Vincent de Paul Society, John Falzon.

"In some parts of Australia these groups make up 60 percent of those we are called on to assist. They are doing it tough."

"We, as a nation, have learnt from this recession that people are not to blame for being pushed out"
he said.

Earlier this month, the Chairman of the Australian Catholic Social Justice Council (ACSJC), Bishop Christopher Saunders said that Australia’s lowest-paid workers should not have to carry the costs of job protection.

"This wage should provide for a decent standard of living not only for workers but for their families", said Bishop Saunders in his annual Pastoral Letter for the Feast of St Joseph the Worker on May 1.

‘Currently it is not keeping pace with rising costs of living - particularly the skyrocketing costs of rent.

This financial crisis was not of their making. They should not be deprived of the wage increases they need to meet their basic costs of living.

Those seeking work, too, need to be assured that they will be protected from poverty when they are in work.

Ensuring a decent minimum wage safety net will be a most important factor in providing security for working families who rely on the minimum wage and income support.

The fundamental rights of families to establish a home, to welcome the sacred gift of life and raise a family require the guarantee of a decent family wage"
, Bishop Saunders said.

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